Sunday, November 24, 2013

Body Talk

I've discovered a few ways to trick your body that I'd like to share.

1.  Try to have your final food item no later than 7pm (if possible). Once that time comes go brush your teeth and do not eat anything else afterwards.  This becomes a signal to your body that 'you're done' and for some odd reason you stop feeling like you have to keep nibbling.

2.  Lay off of drinking anything with sugar in it after your 7pm cut-off time.  Instead, drink hot water with honey, water, or eat a grapefruit.

3.  Drink lots of water.  It flushes out your system and takes with it toxins and fats building up in your body.

4.  I like to go to bed feeling just a little bit hungry, this allows the body to use up the food already stored within so you'll wake up hungry in the morning and be ready for that yummy yogurt.  I've also discovered that if I do this for a few weeks I actually lose weight while I sleep.  This trick may not be for everyone, so try it out and decide for yourself.

5.  Water-based fruits - If you want to nibble something before your cut-off time try an apple or grapes or some type of water-based fruit.  As we all know water makes you feel full and so do these types of fruit.

1 comment:

  1. The brushing the teeth idea when you're done eating for the day is excellent. I eat a mint after each meal and the urge to eat anything else goes away. Nice tip!
